These are our designers within the pack! Go ahead, click on their image to go to their page! (If an image doesn't have a page, it means that it's either temporarily down or under development, we apologize for the inconvenience!)
SWLF Owner/Alpha, Writer, Designer, and etc
Kaze Shadow
The one who started the journey. Kaze is an ambitious leader whose designs come with comedy and intellect. As a young scholar with in-depth knowledge of finances and psychology, he brings the pack to life... and gives you a good laugh while teaching great life lessons.
SWLF Beta, Web Editor, Designer, and Artist
Miverva is a unique artist who expresses the importance of self-acceptance and to be accepting of others. She is an active member of the team and is always reaching out a helping hand. She wants to see the best in the people around her and she makes art that inspires such. With her amazing advice she communicates to the team and through her art, she is the team's expression of wisdom, like her name.
SWLF Beta, Designer, Artist
Kjam is an eccentric artist who strives with the energy of youth. She believes in living in the moment and enjoying the time you have. Please don't grow up too fast, she thinks. Kjam's works are often colorful and contain an ocean of personalities. She is a supportive team member and walks around as a metaphor for creativity.